Begriffe und Abkürzungen
AAA | Amerikanischer Automobilclub |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
CA | Cruise America |
CBN | Coyote Buttes North (Wave) |
CBS | Coyote Buttes South |
CDW | Collision Damage Waiver ("Vollkaskoversicherung" - eher als Haftungsverzicht einzuordnen) |
CCR | Cottonwood Canyon Road |
CG | Campground |
CR | Country Road |
FR | Forest Road |
GSENM | Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument |
HitRR | Hole in the Rock Road |
HRVR | Houserock Valley Road |
HC | High Clearance (hohe Bodenfreiheit) |
I | Interstate - z.B. I-10 |
ID | Identification (Personalausweis od. Führersschein) |
LPG | Liquid Pressurised Gas (Flüssiggas) |
NF | National Forest |
NP | National Park |
NM | National Monument |
NPS | National Park Service |
NRA | National Recreation Area |
PP | Provincial Park (Canada) |
RB | Road Bear |
RV | Recreational Vehicle (Wohnmobil) |
SR | State Road |
SP oder StPk | State Park |
S/W/E | Sewer/Water/Electric Abwasser, Wasser, Strom = Anschlussmöglichkeit am CG |
SUV | Sports Utility Vehicle |
VoF | Valley of Fire |
ZIP | Zone Improvement Plan (Postleitzahl, 5-stellig) |
10/19 - elli